Wednesday, August 22, 2007

LOOKING BACK due out soon!

After waiting for what seems like a lifetime, the first copy of the book, Looking Back, is on its way to me to approve its release. Yippee!

Never one to sit by idly waiting for time to pass, I've already started on a sequel, tentatively titled: Looking Back at the Way We Were. This will be a more nostalgic look at the history of the boomer's era--the way we lived before technology changed society. It will also include essays by individuals about the way their families lived, with references to the history of the times. So for those of you who were disappointed not to have had your stories included in the original version, here's your chance to participate. Email me at to get a copy of the guidelines for the book.

A brochure for the book about to be released is available for anyone who wants a copy. Send an email to the above address, include your address, or tell me whether you want it sent to you via email.

And to everyone who participated in the Looking Back: Boomers Remember History project, a big heartfelt THANK YOU! Without your stories, it might have been just another boring history book. Now it's anything but boring!!!

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